TARA Mind Diversity Equity
& Inclusion Statement

At TARA Mind, we are actively working to build a diverse team and an equitable and inclusive culture. We believe that doing so is the right thing to do, and that it helps us build a more innovative, resilient, and competitive company.

We value the insight and perspectives contributed by people from diverse backgrounds, genders, ages, abilities and sexual orientations. We recognize that diverse teams make better decisions and build more impactful, successful companies.

Our commitment to DEI is reflected, among other ways, in the following:

Our leadership team, advisors, and directors are composed of people of various backgrounds, including different races, genders, and sexual orientations, as well as disabled veterans, and we are committed to actively increasing diversity at the leadership level.

We actively seek out diverse candidates for all TARA Mind roles for which we are hiring.

We have a zero tolerance policy, applicable to our employees, board members, investors, and other affiliates, for any discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual identity or any other form of identity.

We realize that creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive company takes consistent and sustained work, and we are committed to doing the work.

How to contact us

Email: contact@taramind.com
Mail: 1800 Tysons Blvd., Mclean, VA 22102

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