About Us
Nayan Jain
Advising Head of Product
Nayan Jain is an advisor to Red Cell Partners and the Advising Head of Product to TARA Mind, a Red Cell portfolio company. He is the co-founder and former Chief Technology Officer at Heartbeat Health, a virtual-first cardiology services company that has achieved national scale. Prior to Heartbeat, Nayan was the co-founder and CTO of a vertically integrated pediatrics startup, Leo, and led engineering for a software company focused on multi-specialty healthcare supply chain issues. He also served as a Presidential Innovation Fellow at the White House, where he helped millions of Americans access their personal health information through Blue Button and deployed one of the first sensor networks for employee wellness at the Department of Health and Human Services. As the founding engineer at Rally (acquired by UnitedHealth), Nayan was responsible for building and leading teams for the core mobile and web platforms.

He received his Bachelor’s degree in Computational Media concentrating in Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction at Georgia Institute of Technology.
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